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Over a five-year period, CSU Channel Islands will receive approximately $3.25 million through the Strengthening Hispanic Serving Institutions Title V grant program to launch Project ALAS. Project ALAS enables a partnership between CSU Channel Islands (CI), Moorpark College (MC), Oxnard College (OC), and Ventura College (VC) to increase student enrollment, transfer and graduation rates in the county – particularly among underserved students. 

In collaboration with other regional HSI Initiatives, Project ALAS seeks to boost transfer and graduation rates for all students through a combination of faculty development, institutional collaboration and student outreach and support. The Regional Faculty Fellowship program, in partnership with CI, MC, OC, VC, and SBCC, will involve both tenure and non-tenure track faculty, including full and part-time lecturers, in becoming “transfer champions.” These faculty members will meet regularly and work together to address challenges, align course content, and track and promote student retention and success. Project ALAS also creates outreach programs that help community college and transfer students better navigate financial aid, enrollment and academic advising; receive support from peer mentors and learning communities; and have encouraging experiences in transfer-readiness programs at CI.

A Regional Transfer Success Summit will rotate to all ALAS campus partners. In partnership with the Ventura County P-20 Council, this event will engage staff and administrators from all sectors of education generally, and specifically faculty from CI and regional community college partners who have participated in ALAS funded professional development. The Summit will serve as a venue for disseminating best practices information on engaging pedagogies, and facilitate discussion on effective instructional and high impact practices. The Summit will also serve as an annual gathering for participants to engage in discussion about solutions and strategies that align practices, policies, and systems (i.e., cross-institutional learning outcomes, assessments tools, articulation, etc.) to “one degree.”
